Construction Management

Construction Management Services

Construction Management requires the overall planning, coordination, and control of a project from start to finish. We’ll create a detailed management plan that includes quality standards to build your project and guarantee that it meets all your needs. You can expect to have a final product completed on time and within budget.

Design Management

On behalf of our clients, we manage and consult on various design disciplines throughout the design process and ensure coordination amongst the entire team. We ensure value design decisions are made and design schedules are completed on time

Preconstruction Management

Our preconstruction management process supports the design process from the very beginning. We provide estimating, benchmarking, modeling, scheduling, system analysis, document checking, life cycle costing, quality control benchmarking, subcontractor recruitment, market assessments, constructability assessments, logistical planning, protocol planning, and communications planning.

Owner Representation

We act as owner representative and provide processes for our clients to use. This includes team selection, budget development, schedule development, entitlements, project team management, and coordination with owner require ments.

Equipment Planning

We coordinate client-provided equipment early on in the preconstruction phase. A project manager will evaluate equipment and the infrastructure necessary to support the new design and changes to the facility. Then, we’ll guide you through the purchasing, coordination, and installation of the equipment.


Commissioning allows us to prove the operation of the systems and equipment put in place. This process includes finalizing programming adjustments to account for unforeseen complications within the system design. The commissioning and start-up process ensures the building owner has received a working and coordinated system.