Design-Build construction of a new 29,000sf worship facility offering a 2,000 seat sanctuary, choir wing, and prayer chapel. The sanctuary provides an acoustically tunable space, with no sightlines or obstructions. In the role of Construction Manager and Owner Representative, we helped facilitate the merging of two old parishes, Holy Family and St. Joseph into the new St. Dominic’s Catholic Church. We worked with the Parishes to create a new facilities plan as well as with the Diocese to develop a finance plan. We led efforts to establish water rights, purchase land and entitle the property. Working with the owner, our firm selected the design team and established the campus master plan and a program for the new building.
The Scope
What did the client ask for and what as the plan? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies sollicitudin ante nec mattis. Mauris eget ornare nibh. Nam venenatis porta diam scelerisque suscipit.
The Outcome
Talk about how you accomplished the project. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ultricies sollicitudin ante nec mattis. Mauris eget ornare nibh.